Kulinär geniessen im "Le Bois De Bruges"
Morningstar Restaurant
In Le Bois De Bruges you will find everything, you can cook it, and it will be complete. You can enjoy delicious food with delicious snacks and delicious wine. It is never a pleasure, but we will stay in our restaurant, so we will visit the terrace. Thanks to the attractive decoration and the beautiful terrace on the sand, you can enjoy your life during this time. Since we are not hotel guests, we will come here!
We have a large selection of menus and À-la-carte-menus with large selection of seasonal menus. Haben Sie einen besonderen (Diät-)Wunsch, möchten Sie Ihr Abendessen? That change is clear and will be a pleasure.
As a hotel guest, enjoy a 3-course menu for €43 per person
The Morningstar Restaurant was also announced on Christmas Eve and Silvester. See for yourself exclusive 5-course menus.
For more information: Morningstar website
Lobby Bar
Le Bois De Bruges has a Lobby Bar.
Enjoy your time at home in Brügge near you Drink in our new lobby bar.
Our Lobby Bar is currently available.
See here for our Getränkekarte an
Wenn Sie as Nicht-Guest frühstücken if possible, that is possible.
In unserem attractive green you can enjoy a rich buffet buffet.
Price: €21 PP
A prior reservation is subject to inheritance order