Every Saturday there is Zaterdagmarkt. Shops are put up all over the place and you can buy local food and clothes. This takes place from 8:00 - 13:30.
Every Saturday there is Zaterdagmarkt. Shops are put up all over the place and you can buy local food and clothes. This takes place from 8:00 - 13:30.
The Elfenstedenronde takes place on the 11th of june. This is a Cycling race very known amoung the people in Bruges. Starting on the t' Zand at 12:45. This parkour goes as follows: Vrijdagmarkt – Koning Albert I-laan - Unescorotonde - Buiten Begijnenvest - Buiten Katelijnevest - Baron Ruzettelaan - grondgebied Oostkamp… terug grondgebied Brugge: Oostendse Steenweg – Waggelwaterstraat – Steenkaai – Scheepsdalelaan – Leopold I-laan – Karel de Stoutelaan – Gulden Vlieslaan – Ezelstraat – Sint-Jakobsstraat - Markt – Wollestraat – Rozenhoedkaai – Braambergstraat – Predikherenstraat – Langestraat – Buiten Kruisvest – Damse Vaart Zuid – vervolg grondgebied Damme… terug grondgebied Brugge: Brieversweg – Akkerstraat – Keizerstraat – Schaakstraat – Moerkerkse Steenweg – Buiten Kruisvest.
The Barrio Cantina is a foodtruck festival that takes place on t' Zand during 16th of june untill the 18th of june.
Friday the 16th: 16:00 - 01:00
Saturday the 17th: 12:00 - 01:00
Sunday the 18th: 12:00 - 01:00